
The new Observer Reporting Server® provides convenient access to in-depth network analysis, allowing authorized users to examine evidence and make informed decisions to manage critical network operations.

Don’t just report the problem, solve it

For understanding network anomalies, Observer provides analysis on individual links or user activity. Reports synchronize in real time with Observer Suite consoles and Probes, providing a failsafe and fast method of problem resolution.

  • Use Observer to drill down to individual link or user detail
  • Compare reports with the GigaStor for historical analysis
  • Utilize in-depth application metrics for pinpointing the root cause
  • Gather evidence on developing trends to prepare for the future

The Observer Reporting Server is available as a stand-alone appliance or can be coupled with Observer Suite to simultaneously collect data from numerous Observer Probes, NetFlow devices, and other collection agents throughout the network.

  • Each Observer Reporting Server® can collect data from numerous Observer Suite consoles and probes, depending on your specific network requirements and individual network configuration.

Improve visibility and optimize performance

Understand performance by business line. Does the call center have enough bandwidth to run VoIP? How does current WAN configuration affect your Just-In-Time inventory system? What business processes have the greatest impact on systems?

The Observer Reporting Server® allows you to accurately assess the impact of mission-critical applications on your business.


Handhavandeutbildning i Observer

NordicLANs utbildningar vänder sig till användare av verktyg för felsökning, prestandaanalys och övervakning. Vi erbjuder såväl nybörjarkurser som vidareutbildningar.

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