Observer Expert
Observer Expert® speeds network troubleshooting by proactively identifying network issues and offering immediate solutions. Pinpoint difficult problems through real-time or post-capture Expert analysis.
Observer Expert® speeds network troubleshooting by proactively identifying network issues and offering immediate solutions. Pinpoint difficult problems through real-time or post-capture Expert analysis.
Observer Expert® tracks applications, VoIP traffic, transactions and more across LAN, wireless, gigabit, token ring, and FDDI networks. Observer Expert® includes a 64-bit core to maximize 64-bit processing. A 32-bit version is also included.
With the Viavi Solutions’ Distributed Network Analysis architecture, (NI-DNA™), Observer is unique in the network analysis industry. It’s the only analyzer built from a unified code set, offering scalability and seamless integration across the entire Observer product family. Network administrators need only learn one interface to monitor across multiple topologies, locations, and technologies.
With Observer Expert®, network administrators can predict network bandwidth and response time impacts, track and solve application problems, view application session flows graphically, reconstruct data packets, and isolate transaction delay. Observer Expert® is one of the most powerful and functional network analyzers on the market. Key features are automatically included with Observer Expert®:
Observer Expert® includes all the benefits of Observer Standard plus additional key features for identifying network issues and offering immediate solutions.
Expert is about solving network problems efficiently and effectively. Observer Expert® displays protocol and application problems in real time and provides an effective means of discerning between application and network issues. It includes over 570 Experts designed to isolate problems and suggest possible solutions.
Expert Event features:
Local traffic is judged differently than WAN/Internet traffic
No false readings
Common services are tracked and organized
Response performance is sorted and flagged by severity
Tracks all port-based protocols for slow response and other issues
Measures delay to differentiate between network and application problems
See Expert Event list:
A feature unique to Observer, Connection Dynamics provides a graphical view of system conversations for instant identification of long latency and response times. Retransmissions and lost packets are flagged in red for quick identification. Connection Dynamics is a simple way to easily pinpoint network impediments.
What other companies charge thousands for, we’ve conveniently included in our Observer Expert® system. But don’t discount our VoIP analysis—with over 70 VoIP-specific metrics it’s one of the most robust features within Observer. Monitor VoIP connections, save or play voice and video, gather actionable detail and diagnostics, gain high-level traffic summaries and much more.
Use the VoIP system to monitor at an aggregate level and drill down to optimize individual communication from one seamless interface.
Observer Expert’s Application Analysis provides a way to track application communications to easily identify application problems. Obtain statistics on errors, monitor application response time, perform automatic server / application discovery, and obtain up to-the-minute application performance. Observer Expert eliminates the need to purchase a separate application monitoring system.
For organizations moving to MPLS, use Observer to stay on top of the migration. Observer provides a detailed breakdown of your MPLS network so you can pinpoint MPLS problems and measure performance.
Observer now provides the capability to decrypt Secure Socket Layer (SSL) data traversing the network. SSL is primarily used to secure Internet communications, but is also utilized in TCP ports and can transfer files using SFTP or SCP connections. Configure Observer with SSL certificates to decrypt secure data and troubleshoot problems by accessing packet-level detail.
MultiHop Analysis answers the critical question “Is it the access layer, the core, or my service provider…?” By isolating and identifying transaction problems, delay, and intermittent connectivity Observer Expert solves network issues caused by network congestion, fragmentation, and packet loss. Now MultiHop Analysis is automated—Observer can now start simultaneous packet captures from different network segments and automatically synchronize the buffers to find delay and packet loss.
For enterprise administrators concerned with forensics, compliance, and security, Observer can take captured traffic and recreate communication in an easy-to-read format. Rebuild web pages (including images), reconstruct e-mails, documents, and instant messaging communication to gather hard evidence on network activity. Stream reconstruction can also help maintain corporate Internet usage policies, assist law enforcement, and contribute toward Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
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